COACHING and n.e.t.


Your wants and your dreams matter. As a life coach, my goal is to help you live from your authentic core so that you can allow your dreams to unfold. If you’ve become confused along the way about what your desires truly are, I want to remind you that you are worthy: Of a fully-expressed life;  Of meaningful relationships with yourself and others; Of joy, confidence, radiance, juiciness and love.

Life coaching is all about helping you take action. We work one-on-one to uncover your goals (the ones you've always wanted deep down, but felt you never could or should pursue), and create a plan that aligns your mind-body-spirit in support of those goals.


My approach to coaching is holistic and integrative, meaning that I help you integrate changes on both the cognitive (mind) and somatic (body) levels to move towards a wholly satisfying life.

Our work together goes deep: we’ll leave no stone unturned so that every part of you can flow towards flourishing. We may attend to the conscious thoughts and behaviors that get in the way of your goals. We may attend any subconscious blocks you may have (using a technique called NET that I describe further below). We may look at how your nutrition or physical health is affecting your mood and energy.

I've witnessed that true transformation can really happen when you integrate healing between the mind, body and spirit levels.


Let's get started!

You can stop side-stepping your deeper dreams. I offer complimentary 15-minute consultations for you to discover whether Coaching or Therapy is a good fit for your specific goals. Give me a call at (310) 936-5088 or contact me here. Are you living in France, the UK, or in the European Union and looking for an English speaking life coach? Learn more about life coaching for expats here. 




Sometimes on our journeys to living more fully-expressed, we come across blocks or tendencies that just won’t budge. Though our coaching or therapy has given us deep insight into these blocks, we still can’t get unstuck. In these cases, we need another approach. This is how I discovered NET (Neuro-Emotional Technique).

Using NET as part of my coaching, we can finally release old stuck emotional patterns so that you can move swiftly through those long-standing blocks and become congruent with your goals. It’s a powerful tool to complement both coaching and talk therapy – it’s changed so many of my clients’ lives.



Is a stressful or traumatic incident continuing to affect you, long after the event is over? Sometimes these painful incidents trigger anger, fear, grief, or stress that gets stuck in our bodies. When our body fails to “let go” of these emotions we can find ourselves unable to live our fullest lives because of unexplained aversions, self-sabotaging behaviors, phobias, and chronic physical problems.  

N.E.T. helps release you from these old negative patterns so that you can now be free to make new choices.

NET Practitioners, such as myself, are trained to find and release neurological imbalances that are caused by unresolved stress. It's based on a proven combination of the latest scientific research and centuries old techniques used in Eastern healing.  NET can be a very effective treatment tool for helping you approach your desired goals and increase your awareness of self-limiting or sabotaging thoughts and behaviors.



NET helps reduce the "charge" of common emotional triggers, decreasing emotional reactivity and encouraging a neutral perspective so you can manage your day-to-day challenges more effectively. Clients regularly describe feeling “lighter," "better,"" more centered," and "as if a heavy weight has been lifted off" them immediately after an NET session.

NET can be very effective in helping identify what your body may be communicating to you through its physical symptoms, and in neutralizing the emotional aspect of those chronic health problems and physical symptoms, i.e. stress headaches, low back pain, "pains in the neck", etc.*

*NET is not a replacement for medical care.



I offer complimentary 15-minute consultations for you to discover whether NET is a good fit for your specific goals.