During something like a global pandemic, one of the first things people feel stripped of is their power. There’s fear, anxiety, loss of control, panic…you name it. I want to empower you with some simple knowledge that you may or may not know.
To regain some sense of control, we’re going to spend the next few weeks reclaiming our own power in the face of tragedy. There’s so much going on all around us—constant news of the spread of COVID-19, notifications of those that have passed from it, people we may know who are getting sick—I think we could all use a mind shift toward feeling more in control.
After all, the only thing we can really control is ourselves. The way, we think and feel, namely.
First up, we’re going to talk about our immune systems. They need boosting regularly, but especially when threats of a serious virus are amidst us.
So how can we support our body’s natural immunity? What things can we do to help our bodies defenses against infection? There are lots of ways to boost your immune system and today we’ll talk about just one.
At the most basic level, we start with what we put *in* our bodies. It turns out we really are what we eat!
In order to strengthen our immune systems and make sure we have a healthy gut biome, we need to be mindful of what we put into our bodies every day.
This is not meant to make you fearful. You are not “doing the right or wrong things necessarily” and that thinking won’t help. But once you consult with your doctor even if you just take 10% of this, you’re boosting immunity 10% and that’s better than zero! So, take it with a grain of salt, haha— no pun intended and include only what seems delightful or doable, or of some interest to you. Do it with a sense of intrigue and fun, instead of doom and gloom.
Did you know that science shows eating (or in the case of #6, smoking) the following things causes inflammation and strain on our digestive systems, and thus our immune systems:
1. Processed sugar — Unfortunately, sugar is poisonous to our bodies. Wouldn’t it be nice if we knew this from the get go. It’s a sad truth, but I some times joke that I’m sure my growing up on Diet Coke and Saltine Crackers during summers when my parents were living the “American Dream,” and my extended family in Canada couldn’t take me for the summer resulted in some of the odd health issues I’ve experienced on and off over the years.
Now we know a lot more about the food industry, but still not enough, or maybe we are too busy to learn, or too fearful to make changes. I found healthy food a lot harder to find, time consuming, and more expensive to eat when I started on this path of healthy eating for symptoms relief from food sensitivities and overall vitality and renewed energy. So I understand the saga. But now I know and it’s pretty easy and affordable when you find what you like and you understand the money it will save you in the long-run in medical bills and expenses.
Did you know that I’m also Certified as Weight Loss Coach? You gotta expect that from a mind-body-spirit expert yeah? Totally, it’s my jam! If you’re struggling with what to eat to be healthy, overcome fatigue, sluggishness, or the ho-hums, have a desire for some weight loss, give me a holler woman, —let’s do this during this time, so that when coronavirus safe at home days are gone, you’re feeling your very best and your re-emergence from home will be a stunning new you, instead of a frenzied, stressed “get me out of this house, I’m losing my mind feeling.” You are beautiful just as you are, but you can feel a heck of a lot better when you learn to feed your body, mind and soul with fuel food and not “all junk.”
Don’t forget 10% difference is 10% better immunity. It’s not all or nothing.
So when you are thinking about processed sugar those would include such things as:
High-fructose corn syrup.
Cane sugar or juice.
Invert sugar.
Rice syrup.
2. Alcohol - Bet ya didn’t know this but I’m a Master Coach certified in helping women who want to take a break from drinking too, or to learn how to stop over-drinking in the privacy of their own homes. It’s a different approach to you having to call yourself an alcoholic, if that doesn’t seem to fit for you, to get help. All you need is the desire to drink less, or not at all—and at the end of our work together, you’d truly be able to say you don’t desire it as much or at all anymore and that’d be the absolute truth.
Imagine a world in which you didn’t want a drink when everyone else was, or never desired alcohol again? Can you believe your life would be better and more interesting without the headaches, waking up in the night, wishing you didn’t have that last one that made you a little off balance in those heels, slur your words even just the slightest, or say that thing that was a little too much, get in a tiff with your friend or loved one, cause you to cry in public, or do something else that would normally not be something you’d of done without the booze? Oh yeah and the excess weight and hormonal changes it causes. Could life be better without those side-effects? Heck yeah, and I promise you life will not be boring and you won’t no longer be a fun person.
I’ll tell you the secrets.
Sound like an intoxicating idea? It is and I can help you. You’ll be delighted by this approach and empowered by the tools and techniques I will teach you to implement in your new life. You don’t have to be an alcoholic to get support. I am here for you.
If you or someone you love is suffering form alcoholism I recommend checking out the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) online and phone meetings in your area. There are US options and Outside the US —International Options. Check out the US ones here:
This is a special and curious time, if you or your loved one needs help STAYING SOBER encouraging those you love to get support and you yourself getting support is super helpful. It doesn’t have to been seen as nagging, and you don’t have to think about it that way, ok? Do what feels authentic for you. You can get support from a professional or try out a meeting yourself.
Al-Anon is similar to AA, but they help support the family and friends of Alcoholics. Your loved one doesn’t have to be in AA for you to attend an Al-Anon online or over the phone meetings.
3. Fried foods— Deep frying food is a common cooking method used throughout the world, often by restaurants and fast food chains because it’s a quick and inexpensive way to prepare foods. If you want to learn more about fried foods, check out this article:
4. Red meat – Studies show that red meat intake is associated with higher levels of inflammatory markers like c-reactive protein (CRP), even when controlling for other dietary and lifestyle factors. I love me a filet mignon, or an In n’ Out burger and fries, or in France a burger from the Burger Bar once in a while for sure, so it’s all about balance and not restriction. So, listening to your own instincts on what feels like fuel for your body and talking with your doctor can help you understand if you should eat read meat and if so how much. Get educated.
5. Refined carbohydrates — are white flour, white bread, white rice, pastries, sodas, snacks, pasta, sweets, breakfast cereals and added sugars. They are also added to all sorts of processed foods. Bottom Line: Refined carbs include mostly sugars and processed grains.
6. Cigarettes - If you don’t smoke, cool you’re in the clear on this one, but if you do or you love someone who does, this is for you. For the smoker, hey, I know it’s hard to quit, and especially if someone is telling you to. I laugh out loud when I hear people rattle off don’t smoke as one of the safety precautions in this pandemic, not because it’s funny, or untrue, but because it’s absurd to just say stop, without any help especially during a stressful time. I’m sure that’s not helping smokers kick the habit but most likely making them want to smoke more. You smoke because of stress at the most basic level. Y’all need support— not just quit, you already know it’s bad for you.
Obvio (got that from my Italian friends, short for obviously, obviously :)) you want to quit, and obvio sometimes you don’t. That’s just how it goes, but if you’ve been considering it then roll-up your sleeves like the bad-ass woman you are and let’s do this now.
This pandemic’s just the thing you needed to give you that extra incentive to quit. 99.9% of women I know who smoke, and don’t forget I’ve lived in Europe on and off, and have seen this more so with men in the US who smoke have a love/hate relationship to the substance. There’s no shame ladies (or men if you’re reading this). Shame only makes you want to smoke more. Rebel yell.
One client I helped quit smoking wanted to light up every time we started talking about her quitting. It’s hard to quit right? But what if it wasn’t as hard as you thought? This time around? What matters is the way you think about it. Here are two of my favorite resources. Try a 2 hour truth bomb about the brainwashing of cigarette smoking and meditation app by Jason Vale to stop smoking today. I personally know people who swear by it and it really can work —read the reviews and try it yourself.
I know it sounds hard but it doesn’t have to be.
Also try online meetings at https://nicotine-anonymous.org to get you prepped and ready. Don’t think you are above calling in for an online meeting. Who cares, your pride? Thanks pride, but I’d like to live without killing myself with smoking. That’s the shit thing about smoking, it’s portrayed in movies (even now) as so cool, all the cool people smoke, but we never see the adverse affects on them right?
On the other hand, these foods are anti-inflammatory, and you could consider your increasing your consumption of them as tolerated:
whole olives
other whole fruits + vegetables
extra virgin olive oil
coconut oil
whole grains (especially oats)
nuts + seeds
So as you prepare for your next grocery-shopping adventure, or as you create your lists of groceries to be delivered, what items will you add to boost your immune system? What will you leave out that you typically buy?
Again, this is not a perfectionism thing ok, my ambitious peeps. This is about finding “What little tweak can I make that doesn’t cause stress but makes me feel empowered?”
Take a few minutes to write down 2-5 items you can buy this time to reduce inflammation in your gut biome and 2-5 items you’ll pass up that are known to cause stress and inflammation in your gut.
If you do this switcheroo each week, you could make a serious transformation in your diet—one that supports your immune system, and, in the face of a pandemic, will leave you feeling much more powerful. Your ability to feel empowered during this time is paramount. What other ways can you feel empowered right now?
Stay healthy and happy, and allow negative emotion when it comes.
Love to you all.