For the next several weeks, we’re talking about reclaiming our power in the face of major shifts and changes to our lives, as a direct response to the threat of COVID-19. I think we could all use a mind shift toward feeling more in control during this stressful time.
We’ve covered how getting proper rest and high-quality sleep and meditation can boost our immune systems, so this week we’re going to do the opposite by exploring movement and exercise.
As we’ve been cooped up in our houses on lockdown for weeks, it’s normal to see levels of exercise drop dramatically, and maybe you were all in at the beginning when you first started your new routine, but I know a lot of you are getting a second wave of the stir crazies. Maybe we’re sleeping more out of boredom, staying on the couch watching TV, laying around buffering on cell phones…that makes sense because there are a lot of uncomfortable emotions like restlessness and anxiety and worry running scripts just below the surface about a myriad of things. So whatever we’re doing, many of us aren’t moving as much, and that’s something we can change. Or maybe you fall into the group that needs to change it up and get a fresh perspective and try some new movement or add to the old “ho-hum” routine.
Moving our bodies daily is so important to both mental and physical health. For starters, it boosts our immune systems so that’s a good thing at this time.
Did you know physical activity increases the number of antibodies in our noses and throats? That can help prevent viruses from ever reaching our lungs if we happen to come across them.
And if we happen to get sick, having taken part in regular exercise can cut the number of days we’re sick in half. HALF!
The benefits of exercise are well-studied and plentiful.
It helps lower blood pressure, releases endorphins, controls blood sugar and insulin levels, helps maintain strong muscles and bones, improves sleep quality…the list goes on and on.
And the benefits don’t stop there. Daily exercise is widely known to control levels of anxiety and stress, which we’re all under more of right now. It can even help your mood! Movement also increases brain sensitivity for the hormones serotonin and norepinephrine, which relieve feelings of depression.
I can’t tell you exactly how much exercise can help, as it works like a natural antidepressant and antianxiety. Depression and anxiety also mean medication may be needed and there’s no shame in that. But anytime you can supplement your life with movement you’ll see emotional benefits. It’s always a good idea to speak to your doctor before trying something new.
While moving is important, it also matters *where* you move. Studies show that getting outside in nature can increase the benefits of exercise dramatically.
We may have to practice social distancing, but we can go outside! Walking outside in our neighborhoods, on hiking trails, or in the woods, can be very therapeutic, check the guidelines for where you live, and if it’s not possible that’s ok, sit close to a window, or face outside while you exercise. Can you see a tall palm tree even if far into the distance?
Open a window and put some plants close by. Fresh air and vitamin D from the sun are amazing immunity boosters.
And if the weather is bad, or you can’t go outside for another reason you can still move (with or without a window). One of the best forms of activity is dancing. It improves neurological coordination, and it is super FUN!
You can also do yoga, stretch, qi gong, or do all kinds of workouts designed for the home online or on apps on your phone. The goal is to get 30-40 minutes of moderate exercise per day, whatever that looks like for you.
If that sounds very far from where you are now, don’t stress. You can start small.
Take a 5-10-minute walk around the block or in your backyard if you have one. Here’s one to try: pick 3 songs you love and dance to them back-to-back. Baby step your way toward your goal, and you should see improvements in both your physical and mental health.
Let’s take back some control in this wild time and keep it moving!
This week during my mini sessions, I spoke to several women who were getting antsy, going through the second wave of "lockdown stress and anxieties." What can we do when times are so uncertain and unknown? Simple but powerful, I helped them re-decide how they wanted to feel and what attitudes they wanted to bring to their lives now.
It's ok if you want to feel terrible, but feel terrible and let it go when you are sick of feeling it. Don't resist your feelings as if that will help alleviate the circumstances, it won't. As far as feelings go, resisting just makes them stronger. Get help if you need it. Move through the emotions and end up in a place you feel good about.
Resisting the reality of our current situation is very tempting, and it's really resisting the negative emotion that you have in response to thoughts about how terrible this all is. I validate you woman, all of your emotions are valid always.
This is an odd time, but it doesn't have to take over your life. Resisting negative emotion can lead to buffering with food, social media, alcohol — and a list of all sorts of things that feel good in the moment but bad in the long run. Some of that's ok if you like your reason for it. You wanna like your reason. Never judge yourself because that just creates more of the same — "I ate 3 cookies when I meant to have 1, so F-it! I might as well eat the entire box syndrome." We do this will all sorts of things, not just food.
Connect with me if you want to learn how to compassionately release the buffering and sailing towards feeling the way you want to feel no matter what the circumstances are. You can learn how to do this, it's a skill that I will teach you.