2020 has tested our patience, resilience, and mental health in ways we couldn’t have imagined at this time last year. Many of us have spent the last 8 months or so trying to avoid getting sick, protecting our families, navigating having COVID, dealing with the loss of income and/or loved ones, and having to pivot…and pivot…and, yes, pivot yet again. But something that remains true no matter how hard things are is that a gratitude practice makes things better. Yes, really—even now. Especially now.
To expand on our topic from last week, where we discovered how repeating negative thoughts in a loop (a.k.a. rumination) can make us miserable, let’s explore the concept of GRATITUDE. Neuroscience has proven what the Psychology field has long postulated and even what The Law of Attraction says – the more you focus on the things you’re grateful for, the more things will come into your life for which to be thankful (“like attracts like”).
We already know that replacing our negative thoughts with a substitute thought is helpful. Finding the silver lining of a challenging or difficult situation can help us feel more powerful and in control.
But what if we proactively seek positivity and gratitude?