Vulnerability is Empowering

As promised, I’m back with the second part of our discussion last week about victim mentality. Playing the victim in your life is a quick way to feel miserable, as it creates feelings of helplessness, anger, and fear. 

And during this stressful time, who needs even more of *that*? We don’t want to live life feeling defeated! So how can we regain some power and a sense of control? We flip the script! 

Flipping the script on victim mentality involves practicing radical vulnerability—the willingness to feel whatever comes up. Brave and powerful warriors know the secret of vulnerability. 


In her wonderful book Rising Strong, Brené Brown talks expertly about this topic. In one of my favorite parts, she says: 

“I want to be in the arena. I want to be brave with my life. And when we make the choice to dare greatly, we sign up to get our asses kicked. We can choose courage or we can choose comfort, but we can’t have both. Not at the same time. 

“Vulnerability is not winning or losing; it’s having the courage to show up and be seen when we have no control over the outcome. Vulnerability is not weakness; it’s our greatest measure of courage.” 
— Brené Brown

If you’re willing to feel fear or hurt—if you’re willing to get uncomfortable—then you don’t have to be afraid of life anymore. 

So what are you afraid of? How do you identify the “boogeymen” looming in your life?

Try asking yourself some of these tough questions to get to the heart of the matter:

Where am I unwilling to feel my emotion?


What am I avoiding?


What things aren’t I doing?


What dreams aren’t I pursuing?


What conversations am I unwilling to have because I don’t want to feel the emotions that come up?


You can feel things all the way through. You may not think you can right now, but I promise you can. You can absolutely do hard things and feel hard things! 

Taking responsibility for your feelings is a radical act that will transform your life. When we’re open and honest with ourselves about what we’re afraid of (and what we’re avoiding), we can find deep connection with ourselves. And the deeper our connection is with ourselves, the deeper our connections will be with others.

Being willing to feel vulnerable can help you experience some of the most amazing things life has to offer. If you're having trouble with vulnerability and feel more like a victim to the outer world's circumstances I can help.

You can move through hurts and come out a warrior. Vulnerability is key to your empowerment. Learn how to use this emotion by jumping on a mini session with me.

I have a waiting list at the moment but will get in contact with you as soon as my schedule becomes available. Talk to you soon.