What would happen if we focus on writing (or better yet, rewriting) our pasts consciously? This involves changing the way we think and feel about past circumstances, rather than old, worn narratives that don’t serve us well. It’s about discovering alternative truths that acknowledge how far you’ve come and set you up for success.
The Model – It's your Ultimate Secret to Happiness and Empowerment
The truth is that no one is responsible for how you feel and the results you get. If you want to feel happy, confident, loving or whatever other emotion you desire to feel on the regular – it's available to you.
Same goes with results. Maybe you want to make 100K in your business or even a million. Or is it to find the love of your life or be in the best health of your life?
It's all up to you. It's based on the simple formula called the model. Everything in life fits into the model. But you have to practice it to really apply it to your life.
Loving Yourself Madly — A Daily Self-Affirming Practice
Are You Beating Yourself Up For Not Being Perfect? Look Out for Double Trouble!
We all do it, what I call "Double Trouble." We trouble ourselves unnecessarily. If you want to learn how to feel better, keep reading, because I will teach you how you can feel better today. Step by step.
Maybe this is you? Let’s say, you’ve been procrastinating <insert your unproductive habit here>. And on top of that, you’re beating yourself up FOR procrastinating.
What's the Real Reason You're So Busy?
Consider for a minute the idea that busyness for many of us busyaholics IS our coping mechanism.
Slowing down is hard, and I don't mean, emptying your schedule to make time for nothing (though I highly encourage that too), I mean for a lot of us, busyness lets us put our minds and energy towards creating or solving puzzles we feel more comfortable with. Oh they can be annoying, difficult and time sucking, absolutely, but the act of putting our energy towards solving them does serve to put our attention elsewhere.
How Self-Critical Are You?
How you treat yourself is a choice. It’s YOUR choice.
No-one, unfortunately, can choose for you. And I want you to consider that this is critical. That how you treat yourself creates the foundation upon which you interact in the world. The bad news is, sometimes we have to untangle thoughts and experiences that are in the way of us treating ourselves kindly and with respect. AND the awesome news is YOU have all the power here. Really.
It’s not about letting yourself off the “hook.”
How Can a Community Coaching Call Help Me Get Unstuck Right Now?
Get Those Thoughts Down
You've heard this, the mind is the most powerful tool us human beings have. Yet most of us, kind of run on auto-pilot, or let our minds run us. Almost passively listening and reacting to our thoughts. The most important thing you can do is OBSERVE your thoughts. Really.
Often we don’t become aware of our thoughts until we’re feeling some kind of strong emotion, usually unpleasant. But, as you know, it is our thoughts that create our feelings. Not the other way around. So can you see how important it is that we get curious about what thoughts are running through our brains?
I almost forgot how wonderful my life is!
Do you find yourself complaining about all the things going wrong in your life, and then have to remind yourself of this too? If so you are in good company. It's not because you are a negative Nelly. No, it's your brain doing it's job to keep you safe, but it hasn't quite adapted to live outside the cave yet.
The Model - Q & A - The force lies within you, Yodas!
1. Coachee: You said the goal is not to feel good all of the time?
Me: Right. Our circumstances are not always going to be pleasant and that’s ok. Often we think we have to change our circumstance to feel better, but that is not the point. We can change how we’re thinking about our circumstances and that will change how we’re feeling, reacting and what results we’re creating for ourselves in that circumstance.