Focusing on things that make you mad or otherwise get you “riled up” is taxing. So we’re going to relax a bit. We’re going to walk through a 3-step process to create positive, feel-good change, and we’ll start with one that’s a bit cliché but stay with me, you won’t regret it.
Relationships Part 4: Allowing Autonomy
One of the great advantages of being a grown adult is that we can be and do (mostly) as we wish. We get to do whatever the heck we want! Trying to control others is futile. We each have free will, and we do NOT like it when people try to manipulate that! Which means if you’re trying to get someone to change so you can be happy, it’s not going to work. The secret to real happiness isn't found in getting others to change, but instead it's in allowing autonomy
The Model – It's your Ultimate Secret to Happiness and Empowerment
The truth is that no one is responsible for how you feel and the results you get. If you want to feel happy, confident, loving or whatever other emotion you desire to feel on the regular – it's available to you.
Same goes with results. Maybe you want to make 100K in your business or even a million. Or is it to find the love of your life or be in the best health of your life?
It's all up to you. It's based on the simple formula called the model. Everything in life fits into the model. But you have to practice it to really apply it to your life.
Fact vs. Story = Miserable vs. Happy
5 Ways an Abundant Mindset Will Set You Free of Worry, Fear & Doubt
Imagine a life where you don’t worry about things not working out for you in any way imaginable!
Imagine the suffering you would cut out of your life. So much right?
Imagine what could be possible if you believed everything, and I mean everything would work out for you!
This is why I am talking to you today about adopting an abundance mindset because truly it can make the difference between a happy life and a scared one. It's totally possible to make this shift and fairly easy once you get enough practice at it.
Emotional Courage
Your Badass Life is awaiting you.
What to do when hard things happen, or you want to make some scary changes:
Practice emotional courage.
The worst thing that can happen in life is a feeling.
Take a moment and REALLY think about that. Oh and that 10 years relationship you had, the worse thing about it was a feeling. Isn't that crazy. We think it's all the circumstances, but it's actually the feelings.
When you practice emotional courage, you can and do get through anything in your life because you are willing to feel any emotion.
Relax, Your Lovability is Innate
All you need is love. It’s so true.
All the happiness available to you comes directly from your ability to love and feel loved. And the best news I have for you is that you create the feeling of love within yourself, nobody else has that power over you unless you give it to them.
So, this is all about taking back your power. Taking back your lovability.
All too often you begin looking for love outside of yourself because you have forgotten a fundamental truth.
Who Has the Power To Make You Happy?
Without realizing it, so many of us are putting expectations on someone else to make us happy. Most women I know struggle with this at some point or another in their lives. Whether it’s with their partner, best friend, child, the clerk at the grocery store, the guy who didn’t hold the door open for you, or the boss that didn’t give you the recognition you deserve, there is a tendency to put our ability to feel good in the hands of someone else.