We’re continuing our discussion on automatic negative thoughts and reviewing 5 more ANTs along with what to do with them now that we can recognize them.
ANTs in Your Pants? Exploring Automatic Negative Thoughts (Part 1 of 2)
Singlehandedly Improve Any Relationship: Part 1
I’ve had several readers reach out to ask how to handle relationships where you’re “in it by yourself”—when you’re in a relationship with someone who isn’t interested in couples therapy or couples coaching or working on interpersonal dynamics.
How do you move forward alone? Are you expected to just throw the whole thing out the window if it isn’t working? Can you really create change by yourself?
Saying No to the “New Me” in the New Year
Why are you luckiest woman on the planet? Oh, just by asking your mind good questions?
Worrying is like praying for something you don't want.
One of my clients, let's call her Margo was upset because at 37 she's not met "the man of her dreams" and she desperately wants to have a family. She was very worried about it being "too late." She was also focused on how she was "unlucky in love," and how other people so found love were "the lucky ones." She also was feeling confused about the the next steps in her business.
Emotional Courage
Your Badass Life is awaiting you.
What to do when hard things happen, or you want to make some scary changes:
Practice emotional courage.
The worst thing that can happen in life is a feeling.
Take a moment and REALLY think about that. Oh and that 10 years relationship you had, the worse thing about it was a feeling. Isn't that crazy. We think it's all the circumstances, but it's actually the feelings.
When you practice emotional courage, you can and do get through anything in your life because you are willing to feel any emotion.
10 Ways To Say No Like A Pro Even When It’s Hard…
Time and relationships, including the one with yourself, are two of your most precious commodities. Treat them right, by practicing saying no when you mean it.
Women are programmed to say yes.
As women, we tend to want to do it all. We are biologically designed to be caretakers. We’re taught to be “good girls” and that means taking care of people even at your own expense. We are told that it’s selfish to put your needs first.
We must and we can retrain our brains to be able to say no
Relax, Your Lovability is Innate
All you need is love. It’s so true.
All the happiness available to you comes directly from your ability to love and feel loved. And the best news I have for you is that you create the feeling of love within yourself, nobody else has that power over you unless you give it to them.
So, this is all about taking back your power. Taking back your lovability.
All too often you begin looking for love outside of yourself because you have forgotten a fundamental truth.
What Do Dog Poop, Garbage, and TV Manuals Have To Do With Your Happiness?
"But it's my husband's job to clean up the dog poop and take out the garage!" Is this part of your manual for your partner too?
A "manual," is a list of expectations you have for your most prized relationships.
People don't come with instruction manuals like new T.V.'s. But you probably don't realize you've got a "manual" for just about everyone in your life. Some manuals are pretty hefty. I know I've had a few that were too heavy to lift on my own.
Get to know you manuals well and don't get too attached to them.
It's awesome to realize you've got a set of "manuals," because then you get to choose not to let them weigh you down. This may sound crazy at first, but when you let go of your manual you'll feel empowered!
2021, Just the Best Year of Your Life So Far...
This is what I did in 2018… Make no mistake, I did not mean 2017, I mean 2018…
One of my trusted mentors introduced this idea to me and I want to share it with you know so that you can live 2018, as if you already achieved what you will be aiming for this year.
Trust me this is SO powerful. I want you to do this exercise with me. So, here is what I did in 2018….
I Can't Be Sick. What Do I Do Now?
"I can't be sick. I should be working, and taking care of the house, the kids, my to-do list. I will get so behind this is going to be horrible."
If you are thinking these thoughts like most of us busyaholics are when we are sick, then you are right it will be horrible. How to be sick and feel good mentally is challenging but totally possible. It can actually be a time of reprieve even if you feel physically crummy. Take advantage of this pause on life.
How Are You Handling Setbacks?
"Setbacks" are just "Speed bumps" on the road to change. Totally normal!
Get familiar with the way you think about your setbacks and your whole life can change. Sounds dramatic, but it's true!
So listen – anytime you’re trying to make a change in your life you’re going to experience what feels like setbacks. And a lot of the time we tell ourselves that a “setback” means we can’t do it, or it’s not going to work.