
6 Steps to Beat Procrastination & a Little Technique Called NET

6 Steps to Beat Procrastination & a Little Technique Called NET

I fell off the wagon again… the procrastination wagon that is.  

I’m in Brussels for the first time right now doing my re-certification as a practitioner of Neuro-Emotional Technique (NET). I’m excited to be here for the next 3 days and visit the city. So far all I know is that Belgium's home to the best french fries in the world, ridiculously delicious Belgium chocolates & waffles, and that you must see a statue called the Manneue Pis (according to my NET buddy who’s from here). No one can tell me why this statue is popular here, but just that “everyone goes.”  

Ok so I didn’t see Manneue Pis, but I did see Jeanneke Pis. AND I want to confirm that yes I tried the fries and they were fantastic. Big deal coming from an American, no?  

What's the Real Reason You're So Busy?

What's the Real Reason You're So Busy?


It started out innocently enough. I am an ambitious woman. Hey, don't judge, ambition gets a bad wrap. All it means is the desire to do or achieve something, typically requiring determination and hard work. So, if you are reading this, chances are you are an ambitious woman too. For me what that means is, once I set my mind to something I make it happen. I love that about myself. However, this strength has also been one of my greatest weaknesses. Interesting how perceived weaknesses are just strengths over used. 

Why You Should Retreat in the South of France!

Why You Should Retreat in the South of France!




What is the greater purpose of your life? What brings you happiness and fulfillment? How does your flourishing impact your loved ones?

This can be a hard question to answer in the midst of our own personal daily grind. We need to learn how to press the PAUSE BUTTON (where is it again?), and reconnect with what REALLY matters to us. The fastest way I know how to facilitate your connection to your deepest dreams and desires, is by taking time to retreat.

Despite what the little voices in our heads tell us, it is not selfish to have dreams and desires, or to follow your desired path. Actually, it’s just the opposite. When you live from a place of being connected to your authentic core – when you are happy and fulfilled – everyone around you benefits.

Think about it. Pause...

8 Ways Travel Heals!

8 Ways Travel Heals!

8 Ways Travel Heals!

To create the life that you were meant to live, sometimes you need to get away from it all. I want to help you create a new perspective of yourself and your life, and the best way I know how to do that is travel. 

Travel heals by helping us to:

  1. fall in love with life again.
  2. appreciate who we are, away from our daily routine.
  3. appreciate the life we do have at home.

What I've Learned in 15 years as a Psychotherapist

What I've Learned in 15 years as a Psychotherapist

What I've Learned in the almost 15 years of being a Psychotherapist and How the Find Your Flourish Movement Came About

5 crucial questions every woman needs to ask herself:

1.    Are you living your life from a place of truth?

2.    Do you know what your life’s purpose is? Are you fulfilling your life’s purpose?

3.    Do you have dreams and desires that you have forgotten about, or let fall by the wayside?

4.    Do you have a tendency to put other’s needs before your own, and feel burned out, lost and frustrated in work and love?

5.    Do you long for more meaning in your life?

If you answered yes to one or more of the above questions, read on, I can help you. I’m committed to a world where women never forget that their dreams truly matter.

The greatest gem I’ve learned over the last almost 15 years of being a psychotherapist is that true transformation can really take place when we integrate healing on the levels of mind, body, and spirit.

What a shrink wants you to know about your body

What a shrink wants you to know about your body

Yoga is the practice of creating unity between mind and body. When there's a disconnect between mind and body, our lives become unbalanced, causing stress, fatigue and ultimately, illness. The reverse can happen when you reunite your mind and body through yoga. Your mind and your body can start to heal naturally, helping you to feel healthier, happier, more balanced, and more alive!

I discovered yoga through my own health crisis. During my internship to become a psychotherapist, my life became so stressful and unbalanced (working 80 hours a week with severely traumatized children and families) that my body actually broke down. This was a scary time for me…  After all, I was in the healing profession.  How could I have allowed this to happen to me, didn’t I know better?  Maybe not… This experience was a difficult way to learn that I needed to be kinder to my body. Unfortunately, our society does not always support this mind body connection, but separates the two, causing confusion, disharmony, and distress.